Is Model UN Right For You?

October 21, 2021
It’s a new year at WHS and with that comes the prospect of joining clubs and becoming more involved in the school setting. There is a wide variety of options available to students. One of which being the Model United Nations Club, most commonly referred to as Model UN. Model UN is an opportunity for students to take on roles of various different countries and world leaders and debate on current events. Topics touched upon range from climate change to human rights. Model UN includes a number of elements, some of which would include public speaking, writing out solutions, and learning effective ways of communication. I touched base with Mr. Leonardo to see what’s in store for this upcoming year. This is what he told me.
“Model United Nations, or Model UN, is a competitive club where students role-play and simulate various UN committees that attempt to solve problems associated with conflict, climate change, human rights, public health, and much more!
Model UN allows students to build some of the most important “hard skills” that one needs to be successful in college and a career, including public speaking, debate, and technical writing. The club is also an excellent vehicle for collaboration and team building as students, or delegates as they are called, attempt to get their resolutions passed by the larger committee.
This year, club members will have the opportunity to travel to competitive conferences at Harvard University, MIT, Boston University, and several others. These conferences are great opportunities for students to network with other students from all over the world!” – Mr. Leonardo
I also caught up with fellow club member Mira Ivanis to see what she had to say about Model UN.
“One of the things I love the most about mun is being able to listen to other peoples opinions about complex issues then being able to form my own. Mun teaches you how to communicate with others and compromise to create resolutions that benefit everyone. I’m super excited for this year!”
Model UN is a great way for students to learn how to put things into perspective and have an open mind to other people’s opinions regardless of whether or not they agree with them. The club meets every Friday in Mr. Leonardo’s room, 303. Each week the club explores a new topic and allows for collaboration among students. Model UN is always looking for new members and if anyone has any questions regarding the club be sure to ask Mr. Leonardo.