Advice From The Winthrop High School Class Of 2022

May 12, 2022
As college decisions start rolling out, prom dresses are being bought, and senioritis is kicking into full gear, all the underclassmen are wondering the same exact thing: How the heck are we going to deal with all that stress? As we speak to our friends, acquaintances, and siblings who are older, we can only see that the responsibilities get greater with age. But the question is, how does one behave in the transitional period between high school student and full blown, independent college student? As a Junior, thinking about the upcoming year is terrifying, and I’m not sure how all of my friends who are currently seniors constantly keep their composure. Although naturally, I wanted to figure it out. Not just for me, but also for any other underclassmen who may be worried about their next few years here at Winthrop high School. I asked many seniors for advice they would give to underclassmen in terms of friends, family, school, etc. Some had very heartful responses, while others had very silly ones, but overall they are all helpful in their own ways. Enjoy!
Beatriz Rodrigues (Attending Suffolk University) – A piece of advice I would give to an underclassmen would be not to take everything so seriously. Have fun but also have responsibility, enjoy high school while it lasts.
Mia Martucci (Attending Merrimack College) – I would say dont stress, apply to as many colleges as you want and enjoy the process. Everything will work out! Enjoy every Second of it!
Summer Tallent (Attending University of Rhode Island) – A piece of advice I would give to the underclassmen would be to just enjoy it while you can. Although classes will be hard and sometimes you might have a lot of homework, you will never get to experience having classes with your friends every day again. Also, it is okay to not know right away what you want to do in college or where you want to go!
Daniel Tracy (Attending Harvard University) – Don’t forget to breathe when things start getting stressful.
Jolena Zaccaria (Attending Suffolk University) – Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. Make the best out of your high school experience, because it’s over before you know it.
Jack Flaherty (Attending Full Sail University) – Don’t push yourself past your limit, because at the end of the day your health matters much more than numbers on a page.
Maddie Tolliver (Attending Hamilton College) – Don’t take AP Calc.
Anna Eaton (Attending Northeastern) – Ask Mr. Beck about the 29 ways he almost died.
Evan Bernstein (Attending Berklee College of Music) – Have as much fun as possible and prioritize pleasure.
Grace Arena (Attending Wentworth Institute of Technology) – Take this last year to make connections with your new teachers and different classmates, because it is your last year with them. Be open to trying new things and don’t be afraid of trying something you might be bad at.
Analise Bruno (Attending Boston University) – Life is often unpredictable, but alone or not, you have to move forward. Fear is an impediment to personal growth.
All of this advice is so incredible, helpful, and definitely something I’ll be keeping in my back pocket for next year. Thank you again to all these seniors above, and a huge congratulations to every single senior out there. You guys are incredible and huge role models to everybody! All of us at the Viking Times wish you the best of luck!
Brian D Donnelly • May 13, 2022 at 10:57 am
Sounds like some awesome advice. Love to hear how many people talk about enjoying the process and the little things. After all that is what life is about. Also VERY curious about the 29 ways Mr. Beck almost died. Do I smell and article idea?