
March 31, 2023
You spend your days on the outside looking in, better yet on the inside looking outwards.You are truly a double sided coin. You are quick to trust which can lead to people taking advantage of that trust. You are sensitive both internally and externally. You feel deeply and you react to your surroundings deeply. You are a writer. You were raised to have a strong love and appreciation of words. You feel more comfortable when pen meets paper than speaking in front of a class. You can fill pages up with your words and then get tongue tied when you go to deliver them. Confidence is a struggle for you. In an instant you can go from immensely sure of yourself to doubting yourself in a matter of seconds. An idea that was once thought of in the highest regard can change to be thought of as awful. You encourage those around you to be honest with you but cannot handle it when they do. You desperately want their honesty but cry when they deliver it. You have a hard time saying “no”. You never want to hurt a person’s feelings which can make you a little bit of a pushover. “No” is tricky for you but you are able to encourage others to say “no” for themselves. You want everyone to be included, even if you aren’t. You want everyone to like you even though you do not like everyone. You care about the opinions of those around you, even if they don’t deserve it. You tell those around you not to care what others think when all you can think about is how people see you. You are able to give good advice but never apply it to yourself. You are a defender. You will defend those you care about for the rest of your life. However you can not stand up for yourself. You are the first one to be angered when your friends report mistreatment. You value the needs of your friends and truly would do anything for them. You are such a good friend to those around you and need to treat yourself with the same compassion you show everyone else. You are a forgiver. You give people your forgiveness, even when they don’t necessarily deserve it. You believe that each day is a fresh start and that second chances should be given. While you believe in second chances, you struggle to let things go. You can forgive someone for their actions, while holding on to the words they spoke.You hold yourself to an impossible standard and can not forgive yourself for the small mistakes you make. You are the definition of an extravert. You are the loudest in a group of friends and known to have large amounts of energy. However many people are shocked when you reveal this about yourself. They see you as the reserved, quiet girl in their classes. They see you as the girl who only speaks to answer questions or to participate in a class discussion. They would never guess how you act when you are surrounded by friends, the spirited person you really are.
You are seriously one big contradiction, but aren’t we all? Aren’t we all perfectly “curated versions of ourselves” in front of different people? We have all got used to the format of “this or that questions”. This format of sunset or sunrise, warm or cool colors. We are so used to this idea that there are only two options. In reality these situations are not really “or” but “and”. You can like sunrises and sunsets. You can love warm and cool colors. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.You truly can be both. Some see this as contradictions, I see it as being fully formed people. We don’t have to choose one or the other, eliminating the other choice forever. We are multifaceted and are allowed to be more than one thing at the same time. Honestly these contradictions are what make us who we are. These personal contradictions we all have do not need to be changed. These contradictions are the exact attributes that make us special. Maybe instead of looking at these traits as contradictory we should be looking at them as complimentary.