I hope this was the worst movie of the year, because I couldn’t imagine how it could get any worse. With a $200 million budget, and star studded cast, this should have been a great movie, but was a complete flop. Argylle was directed by Matthew Vaughn, best known for directing The King’s Men, and Kingsman: The Secret Service. I saw those, and though they weren’t amazing, they are in comparison to his newest film.
This movie was about the best-selling spy novelist, Elly Conway, played by Bryce Dallas Howard, who writes about agent Argylle, a spy uncovering a secret spy syndicate. However, each book starts to look similar to real life events, and with a current real life spy operation. She is recruited by Aiden, Sam Rockwell, to write the last chapter of her upcoming book, to find out what happens next. All along, they are accompanied by her cat Alfie, who was completely CGI’d. Filled with too many plot twists, I literally didn’t know what was coming next. Usually you can predict, but I was shocked everytime they came up with a new horrible revelation.
When you see the poster for the movie, which I’ve provided above, you would guess that Henry Cavill, Dua Lipa, and Samuel L. Jackson are the main protagonists of this story, but shockingly enough, they weren’t at all. They had around a collective screen time of five minutes each, which is obviously low for actors that are portrayed as the protagonists.

Unfortunately this movie was pretty bad, which was reflected in its $60.3 million at the box office, not even close to breaking even. I thought it was okay in the beginning, nothing special, but not a complete waste of time, but after half an hour it went down hill. It seemed to drag out way to long, and could’ve cut an hour out of its almost 2 and a half hour run time. I felt played by the amount of screen time that Henry Cavill got (he may not be the best actor, but he is nice to look at), as well as Dua Lipa’s, for her second role in a movie ever. In the end, it was a waste of time and money, and I discourage anyone who wants to see it.