Wallace and Gromit, a British show that I grew up with, has released another film that has already been nominated for a Golden Globe. Created by Aardman Studios who are also responsible for films like the show Shaun The Sheep, Shaun the Sheep: The Movie (and Shaun The Sheep: Farmageddon), and Early Man. Their newest film Wallace and Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl, absolutely rocked me. It was funny and that’s all I look for in a short film, humor like all the other Aardman movies and short films it was a little random. After 35 years, another one of these films was born and it was good but nothing beats the original episodes. They have even brought back the original voice actor for Wallace, Ben Whitehead who has been doing this voice for about 11-12 years or so. Wallace and Gromit: A Grand Day Out, was also nominated for a Golden Globe in 1991 as well, created all by clay sculptures and Claymation. My favorite short film of Wallace and Gromit was The Curse of the WereRabbit, which was the perfect mix of humor and spooks for the Halloween season. This looks like it is going to follow in the footsteps of The Wrong Trousers, which has over 30 total awards.
For a little bit of context, in The Wrong Trousers, we see a new face added to the series by the name of Feathers McGraw, unbeknownst to Wallace, an evil, feathers is a semi-psychotic, and very intelligent penguin that is bent on capturing of the legendary Blue Diamond. The only one skeptical of this is Gromit, who feels very empty and replaced when McGraw is “living with them”.
Fast forward to the present day, McGraw is back, and more dangerous than ever, but this time with a twist. Meet Norbot(Seen Right), who was created for gardening, that was until McGraw found a way into Wallace’s files labeled NORBOT, and hacked not only Norbot but forced him to create more of him. The plot is pretty predictable from here, or that is what you think. Chief Inspector Albert Mackintosh, voiced by Peter Kay was said to lock up the Blue Diamond from Feathers McGraw, which has apparently been stolen by Wallace.
In a final showdown, Wallace is proven innocent by PC Mukherjee (Lauren Patel) but is on a high-speed chase to put Feathers McGraw back in custody in a more secure prison that isn’t a zoo. Gromit is nearly killed in a boat explosion that rocks Wallace, only to be saved by the Norbot army that tried to kill them previously. McGraw got the diamond or had it, it was replaced with, a very old turnip?