Why am I so in my head, unable to separate fact from fiction?
Why do I care so deeply about everything around me, allowing myself to get hurt in the process?
My brain is like a tornado,
Always spinning, spinning, spinning.
When the tornado takes over it is all-consuming,
And I am left to pick up the pieces of the mass destruction in front of me.
My voice shakes as I raise my hand just to answer a question
But I hear their taunts anyway.
A smile from the teacher results in me going back in my shell.
The little blue bubbles light up my phone.
I respond, I’m trying, but in reality, I’m letting the anxiety win.
She knows this which is why she keeps prompting me to focus on outside of myself.
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
Oh my God, I forgot how to breathe.
I can feel the tears forming in my eyes.
No not again.
I know exactly what is happening.
I can’t be the crying girl in class again.
I rush to grab my headphones.
Music. Music will calm me.
I turn on the playlist ‘Breathe’ and try to do just that.
I am met with a Spotify ad and my heart rate once again does jumping jacks.
And not in the good way, in the I can’t breathe way.
You’re okay.
Ride the wave.
You’re okay.
The speaker in my brain echoes.
Even though it is on full volume
I don’t hear a word.