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Winthrop High School's Premier News Site Since 2019

The Viking Times

  • September 18Your vote counts! If you are over 18, be sure to register to vote by October 26th.
  • September 10Follow The Viking Times's New Instagram Page
  • December 22Shannon's Jets ornament is STILL at the back of her Christmas tree...
Winthrop High School's Premier News Site Since 2019

The Viking Times

Winthrop High School's Premier News Site Since 2019

The Viking Times

Henry Kalemi, Writer

Hello there! My name is Henry Kalemi, this year I am a Senior, and this is my second year participating in the Newspaper Club at Winthrop High School. I'm thrilled to continue my membership in this club, and am eager to continue contributing articles as a part of The Viking Times. I enjoy music, photography, technology, going for runs, watching movies, and more! In addition to Newspaper Club, I am the Master Carpenter for the WHS Drama Society's technical crew, a photographer for the Yearbook Club, and a member of the class of 2024's Social Committee. I hope to continue improving my writing skills this year and I'm extremely excited to write as the year progresses. Feel free to email me with any questions at [email protected]

All content by Henry Kalemi