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Winthrop High School's Premier News Site Since 2019

The Viking Times

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Winthrop High School's Premier News Site Since 2019

The Viking Times

Winthrop High School's Premier News Site Since 2019

The Viking Times

Jillian Buonopane, Writer

Hi! I am Jillian Buonopane and I am currently a junior at Winthrop High School. This is my third year on the staff, and it has been such a pleasure working alongside such dedicated members! I am an executive board member of our Drama Society, the president of my class, the NEMASC delegate of Student Council, a member of the Winter Gymnastics Team, a member of the Spring Outdoor Track Team. Aside from school I sing and dance at Winthrop School of Performing Arts, as well as devote my time to volunteering with a non-profit organization Project 351. I enjoy hanging with friends, going on runs, and watching TV with my free time. Looking forward to a great year!

All content by Jillian Buonopane